Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Feel Good! *sing it*

Ok, so I'm POD# 7...8...9...10. Ten! I feel fabulous. *knocking on wood* I haven't had any pain for days. All food that I've been eating has been staying down and not causing me any problems. I've been a bit tempted to step out of my pureed box but haven't, really. I did try a couple things but chewed them into oblivian before swallowing. I've eaten grits, oatmeal, string cheese, refried beans (with hot sauce & cheese, no less), pureed white bean chili (better than it sounds!), and scrambled eggs. YUM! I've heard some people say that meat hurts their pouch, but I haven't had any problems. I even tasted a tiny peace of cornbread (for shame!) and had no problems, but I only had a taste b/c all I could picture was a big glob of cornbread unable to pass thru my new pouch. I'm still measuring my food and eating usually 2 ounces, though I occasionally only eat 1 or 1 1/2. Just depends. I don't often get that 'stuffed to the gills' feeling anymore. But since I never feel hungry, it's hard to tell what "satisfied" is, so I just eat what I've measured out or less if I feel a twinge of anything or start to hiccup at all. I'm so afraid to push it. I know that feeling stuffed isn't the "normal" way to be, but since that's all I've ever known as my cue to stop eating (and sometimes ignored that), this is a hard lesson. I guess what also stops me is that I know going thru this surgery is life changing-but RNY is a tool. If I don't use the tool correctly, it can allow me to revert back to old ways...old FAT ways. I didn't go thru this surgery for fun or for a quick fix. This is a new way of's an adjustment but as Dr. Phil says..."If you do what you always did, you're gonna get what you always got". I can't expect anything to change if I continue to overeat and push boundries. So-I measure. I journal my food. I'm following the program. In my first seven days I lost 13 pounds! Now, I'm realistic and know that it isn't going to be like that every week-but it was still exciting. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down 3 more pounds-so 16 pounds total. I finally weigh what my driver's license says! I haven't weighed this much in 9 years. It's weird though b/c I see it on the scale. I see it in the way my clothes fit. I even saw my "before" picture on my chart at the dr's office on Friday and thought "OMG...I sure have changed"...but it's going to be hard for me to really notice until some of this belly fat starts going away. It's my main trouble area and the one thing that bothers me the most. To date...since April twenty-something of this year, I've lost 61 pounds. That's no small feat. I'm proud of myself. I feel good. But I'm a long way from being "skinny". I still have a lot of work to do and I plan on doin' it!